User Document
GraphQL is an open source query language that describes how a client should request information through an APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). It empowers clients to efficiently request and retrieve precisely the data they need from a server.
Unlike traditional RESTful APIs, which often provide fixed and inflexible data structures, GraphQL allows clients to define their data requirements, specifying the exact fields and relationships they want, all in a single, flexible request.
Prerequisites / Requirements –
We are using Apollo for interacting with GraphQL
GraphlQL server is hosted on device cloud server
Steps to check and use GraphQL in project :-
Go to Device cloud server
Click on SETTINGS BUTTON on top left and set the headers with the values
Try this query to see if it is working or not
query UserQuery {
userQuery {
data {
Look for output
In Apollo, we have three possibilities of interacting with data :-
In the code :-
Install npm packages
Go to constants.js file and add GraphQL URL
Create apollo.js file in root directory and add Client configuration, Authentication information
import { GRAPHQL_URL, GRAPHQL_WS } from './constants.js';
export default {
clientConfigs: {
default: {
httpEndpoint: GRAPHQL_URL,
tokenName: 'token-name',
persisting: false,
authenticationType: 'autenticate-type',
tokenName: 'token-name',
includeNodeModules: true,
Create a folder in root as per requirement
Create a file under queries folder, for example - devices.gql and paster graphlQL code in it.
query DeviceInstanceQuery {
deviceInstanceQuery {
data {
6, Import the GraphQL query in whichever file we use it
import deviceInstanceQuery from '~/apollo/queries/devices/devices'
Use the query in the format below -
this.devices = (await this.$apollo.query({
query: deviceInstanceQuery,
variables: {
"deviceInstanceWhere": {
"regStatusId": {
"gt": 4
"hidden": false
Test the output of the query using console.log and we are done
Tip : Vuejs chrome extension can also be installed to debug the Vue components easily
Happy Coding 🙂